Tuesday 19 October 2010

Can it get any worse?

French striking about the retirement age being raise
The news is making very grim reading for us just lately. A couple of weeks ago, it was announced that there is an alleged terrorist plot in Europe and many governments were warning it's citizens about traveling to the UK, Germany and France. In the days that followed this news, we had two reservations canceled. Perhaps it was coincidence; however, it made us groan a little.

That was yesterdays news and people forget pretty quickly. Well, they would do but we have had our next dose of bad news. It seems that the French are not happy that they might have to work more in their lives. From what my wife tells me, the Prime Minister of France, Sarkozy, wants to increase the retirement age from 60 to 62. This seems to have whipped the French up in to a frenzy. The translation of Frenzy in French means strike!

I don't know if it is all linked and I am in no way a political commentator; however, as they are in this frenzied state, they have decided to block the oil refineries. I am told that many of the service stations are now running out of fuel and rationing is taking place in some areas. Not content with that, the French also want to go out on strike. This means that the transport system may start grinding to a halt. With all that said, can the tourism business get any worse in France these days?

It is easy to forget the reality of the situation when you are worrying about yourself an your interests. Maybe we should stop and congratulate the French for standing up for their rights. They are standing up for what they believe in and saying now to a tyrannical government. I remember this happening in Britain during the Thatcher years. Perhaps we have become too soft in our country and accept government policies too easily. The last thing I read about the retirement age in Britain was that it was going to be raised from 65 to 66 or 67. Contrast that with the French and you can see what a difference we have culturally. When that announcement was made by our Government, I can't remember any protesting. In fact, legally, companies cannot make you retire. As long as you are in a good health, workers can carry on past the retirement age should they wish!

All we can do now is sit back and watch this melee escalate on the TV. We are seeing a dip in reservation enquiries these days and you can't blame people if they are avoiding France at the moment. Many people are happy to come to France to spend their hard earned money on a holiday. This money, that was earned in other countries that have already accepted that they have troubled economies and have gone about tightening belts; a vital injection of cash that would have gone in to the French coffers. Sadly, this money is looking like it will be spent elsewhere.

So, can things get any worse? My wife is due to give birth in some weeks and the nearest maternity hospital is about 40 minutes drive from our house at Utah Beach. All I can say is that if we have no diesel to drive her there, and I have to deliver the baby in the house, I will pack up and return to England! Even if I have to work until I drop! I think that even if the retirement age was 62 like the French are fighting for, with all this stress, I don't think I would make it anyway!

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